Paris Part 6

June 9, 2014

The next day we visited Le Sacre Coeur, truly an eye-opening, heart-awakening journey for me. In the least cheesy way possible, the journey to this sacred place was very special to me. I can't totally explain it but I left the church a different person than when I entered. 

You ride a little tram to reach the top of the very steep hill that has Le Sacre Coeur. 

The views of Paris from Le Sacre Coeur are breathtakingly beautiful

The wind messed with our Top Model abilities. The wind, and our lack of Top Model abilities. 

Ma famille est belle, non?

Parisians and tourists mix on the steps leading to Le Sacre Coeur, as well as the grassy hills on the sides of the giant church. There was an attractive group of adolescents sitting on the grassy knoll, one of whom had a guitar. It was a warm, windy day and the blue of the sky went on forever. 

The architecture was beyond gorgeous, unfortunately we couldn't take photos inside the chapel

When we came out of the church, there was a performer climbing and dancing on a very high street lamp overlooking the giant hill, a very Parisian performance. It was nearly Cirque du Soleil worthy and I could finally breathe again when he safely climbed down. Seriously, it was beautiful art and nerve wracking. 

The green man and his horse seemed quite noble to me, riding out of the gothic architecture of the cathedral to protect it from evil. (#dramatics)

A missing kitty sign

After touring the cathedral, we walked around the gorgeous neighborhood surrounding the church. The high streets with a new surprise around each corner reminded me of San Francisco.

The architecture of Le Sacre Coeur is gorgeous from every angle

We stumbled across a picturesque little vineyard sloping down the hill, surrounded by a neighborhood. I found it the cutest thing, you could wake up and look out your window to see this gorgeous vineyard growing on an angle. 

Each of the houses was fenced in by a big gate, but that didn't stop the gorgeous purple flowers clinging to this Town and Country-worthy home from appealing to my colorful side

The streets stretched on forever, houses sticking out of the sloping cobblestone like teeth (my artsy closed eyes weren't on purpose)

The vineyard had a grown gazebo perfect for a storybook marriage

A cute accordion player and singer that I refused to take a picture with out of self embarrassment, however my mother, bless her, is less conscious of herself

We headed to Versailles very early the next day, but not before snapping a few quick pictures of la Tour Eiffel painted in the pink, early morning sunlight. 

Ten pounds ago, I was in Paris <3

Isn't she gorgeous in the early morning?

(Read Paris Part 7-the last one!-here)

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